Replace Complex Background of a Video through Masking in Adobe Premiere Pro

Replace Complex Background of a Video through Masking in Adobe Premiere Pro

In Effect Controls panel, click pen shape for free-form masking.

Draw mask around the subject. Please remember that you can only apply one mask at a time.

If your footage has some closed or separate space where mask is necessary to make it transparent, then bring both mask lines between the two adjacent vertex points over each other, so that both lines of the mask exactly overlap. This solution will prevent the subject (person) becoming transparent.

After drawing mask, click the Toggle Animation button beside Mask Path in Effect Controls panel. Reduce the feather value to zero.

Now repeatedly click on 1 frame track button in Effect Controls while at the same time continue adjusting the mask over the subject(or person) in Program Monitor.

Apply mask throughout the complete path of your clip.

Now select the checkboxes of Inverted and Invert Alpha in Effect Controls panel. It will make the whole background transparent.

To test the transparency, move the masked clip to the upper layer. In the first layer, insert any image or a video clip which will serve as new background.

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Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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