5 Best Video Editing Software – Comparison and Ratings

We have compared the five best video editing software – Wondershare Filmora, CyberLink PowerDirector, Adobe Premiere Pro, Corel VideoStudio, and Movavi Video Editor.

A rating score (out 5 stars) is awarded to each video editor program after careful consideration. These ratings of video editors are based on the performance as well as the supported features – check our ranking criteria below.

Follow the link to read comprehensive editorial review about each video editor software.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor Rating Score Compared

Compare Wondershare Filmora Options

Supported Devices (OS)

Computer: Windows + Mac

Mobile: Android Phone + iPhone

CyberLink PowerDirector Video Editor Rating Score Compared

Explore CyberLink PowerDirector Choices

Supported Devices (OS)

Computer: Windows + Mac

Mobile: Android Phone + iPhone

Corel VideoStudio Video Editor Rating Score Compared

Compare Corel VideoStudio Packages & Options

Supported Devices (OS)

Computer: only Windows PC

Mobile: No mobile apps

Adobe Premiere Pro Video Editor Rating Score Compared

Compare Adobe Premiere Pro Annual & Monthly Plans

Supported Devices (OS)

Computer: Windows + Mac

Mobile: Not available on mobile

Movavi Video Editor Video Editor Rating Score Compared

Evaluate Movavi Offerings and Price

Supported Devices (OS)

Computer: Windows + Mac

Mobile: Android Phone + iPhone

Ranking Criteria for Video Editing Programs

For ranking and comparison of video editing software, following factors are considered by Dozro.

  • Basic type of video editing features – such as overlays, trim, crop, resize, reversing a video – are not considered.

  • Advanced and unique features which are imperative for creating a great video – for example keyframing capabilities – are given more value.

  • Availability of built-in free stock resources – effects, transitions, animations, stickers, music, stock footage – are given more value. Offers of free download, trial version, and money back guarantee are also considered. For example, the built-in stock and effects in Adobe Premiere Pro are limited as compared to other vedio editors.

  • Ranking criteria also includes the usage frequency of a feature by a moderate user. For example, multicam editing feature is scored less, because it is not used by most users. On the flip side, screen recording feature is prioritized because it is used by most users.

  • Pricing and plans – it is considered whether a video editing program offers bother lifetime plans or just subscription based plans. Expensiveness in proportion to feature support, is also counted.

  • Learning curve – The ease and difficulty levels to learn the interface of a video editing software. Of course, easy to learn software are scored high.

  • Availability of the learning resources – both written as well as video tutorials.

  • Support and performance of necessary tools, such as motion tracking, background removal (chroma key, no green screen), masking, automated AI tools (such as for creating captions and voiceover), speed ramping, audio editing, text editing, color editing.

  • Supported devices (operating systems) - the number of devices, a video editor software can be run, for example versions for computer (Windows and Mac), and mobile apps.

Rankings are given for overall features and benefits, because no video editor is 100% perfect. Our best rated Filmora also has some limitations, for example it does not support 360 video editing. It is better to read our full reviews to weigh the pros and cons of each video editing software.

Dozro reviews and updates the ranking scores on regular basis, primarily when a program is upgraded with new features and capabilities.

Best Video Editing Software Rating Comparison Review

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