Avoid Making City or Country Name as Part of Brand Name

Political world is complex and sometimes political conflicts between countries negatively impact the growth and sales of especially consumer brand – for example the political discord between USA and China. Please do not incorporate the name of any city, state, or country in the name of your company because it is a limiting factor. Consumers with nationalist mind may avoid purchasing products from company of another country.

For example, Kolmar Korea has become a global brand in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, but the owners found the name restricting its growth.

So, in 2022 the brand planned to change its name in the United States and Canada as Kolmar USA and Kolmar Canada. [RD]

Avoid Making City or Country Name as Part of Brand Name

So now company runs an additional website with specific domain (www.kolmarusa.com) for USA.

It would have been a wise decision if the founders had named the company as only Kolmar, then now it was not needed to name the company differently – Kolmar Korea, Kolmar USA, and Kolmar Canada – for its operations in different countries.

Notebook Miami Beach also did same mistake including city name ‘Miami’ as part of business name.

Arnott Europe also did the same mistake by including ‘Europe’ as part of domain name. Now the company is making struggle by focussing only on Arnott as they have removed the word Europe from its name and logo, after expanding its operations to USA.

In short, while naming your business, you should not make geographical location as part of the business name. A futuristic brand name should not include name of a city or country.

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Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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