Method to Measure Pixel Size of Photo/Video in Filmora

Filmora video editor does not show the size of elements in pixels - it displays sizes in percentage. So, I will explain the method of measuring pixel size in Filmora through example of calculating safe area dimensions of a YouTube banner photo.

Start a New Project in 16:9 aspect ratio, because this image ratio is best for a YouTube banner.

Watch Video Tutorial.

Now click the Settings button under Player and select ‘Change Project Aspect Ratio’ option.

Filmora Design a Banner Image

Replace width with 2560 and height with 1440 pixels because this is the best size for a YouTube banner. Hit the OK button.

Now we need to calculate the safe area of YouTube banner for mobile and desktop display.

For that purpose, under Stock Media, select Filmstock and in search enter yellow, orange or any other color which contrasts with the black background of the player. Download the color image and drag it into timeline.

The player background color has become orange.

Now export it as MP4 video.

Please note that taking screenshot does not work because Filmora is programmed to take snapshot in same as the screen resolution, which is 1920 x 1080 in my case. This the reason, I exported it in MP4 video.

Make sure that the resolution settings in export window are 2560 x 1440 pixels. Other values do not matter.

Hit the Export button.

Now delete the orange color image from your timeline.

Import the same MP4 video from your computer. Drag it into timeline.

Let me inform you that you may get Dozro services for designing a professional YouTube banner, Facebook cover, and social media Ads.

Now select the crop tool.

In the Ratio field, scroll down and select the Custom option. Here you can see the original size in pixels. Because the safe area of YouTube banner on desktop screens in 2560 x 424 pixels, so we must replace this 1440 value with 424. So, select 1440 and type 424 and hit Enter button. You can see that the frame is exactly cropped. Click Apply.

Now, this orange zone is the safe area which will display on desktop screens. The rest of the image will only display on TV screens.

So, we have learned to calculate the exact pixel size of an image or a video in Filmora.

You can learn the method to design a banner image in Filmora.

Explore more helpful articles about Filmora video editor or visit Home page.

Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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Filmora - Quick Video Editing Guide for Beginners


Method to design a YouTube banner image in Filmora