How Many Web Fonts are Ideal for a Website?

Number of fonts used on a web page, really matter for the performance and speed of your website.

You should not use dozens of fonts for a website. Browser has to download fonts before rendering text. Therefore, use limited number of fonts for a website page. Fewer number of fonts is always a better strategy.

How Many Web Fonts are Ideal for a Website?

According to Web Almanac, it is interesting to note that a web page of a WordPress site made 718 font requests, that is too much and simply crazy use of fonts.

Bram Stein of TypeKit recommends 3 – 6 fonts for a web page.

It is perfectly fine to use separate fonts for headings and body text. Do not overuse web fonts.

Web research indicates that the median web page makes three web font requests. [RD]

In my opinion, a single web font for the whole website is an ideal option (this Dozro website uses only 1 font), using different weights. However, using two fonts – one for headlines and other for paragraphs is also fine, for design perspective.

Explore more articles about Fonts, or visit Home Page of Dozro website.

Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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