Best Strategy for Pairing of Web Fonts

So, which font should be used for headlines and which font should be used for body text or paragraphs?

Let’s quickly talk about two main approaches.

First strategy is to use only one font style with variant weights for headings as well as paragraphs; for example, you can use 400 regular weight option for body text and 700 weight of the same font for headings. This is my favorite approach as single web font style can load quickly in browser, contributing overall webpage load speed.

Best Strategy for Pairing of Web Fonts

Second approach is to use two or more fonts differently for headlines and paragraphs. My recommendation for this approach is to use high contrasting fonts; for example, using any one of Concert One, Baloo Bhai, Laski Slab Stencil or Meatball for headings and any one of Titillium Web, Roboto, Arial, or Montserrat for paragraphs. For buttons, and links, you can also use some bold font style with color variation.

For the second approach, there is no point of using two or more similar looking fonts; for example, it is not a good strategy to use Arimo for headings and Roboto for body text. Despite this, it is better to follow first approach than using very similar looking fonts for headings and body text.

Adopting second approach, fonts used for heading and main body text should have enough contrast that headings are clearly distinguishable for scan readers.

Please remember that there are no hard and fast rules. We should only focus readability, accessibility and legibility of our content. In case, you are overwhelmed, you can simply use a serif font style for headings and some sans-serif font for paragraphs.

Explore more articles about Fonts, or visit Home Page of Dozro website.

Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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