Workaround if Premiere Pro Crashes and fails to Export a video properly

Workaround if Premiere Pro fails to Export a video properly

Often it becomes difficult to render some source video formats such as HEVC (or other 4K format) in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Sometimes your exported video hangs and stutters with jittery playback. Sometimes Premiere Pro may not export some portions of video or audio file.

In such scenarios, try reducing the frame size and frame rate.

For a smooth-playing final video, you should also try reducing the Target Bitrate value. For example, for a UHD video, your target bitrate should be between 8 MBPS to 10 MBPS.

If still your video is not exporting well, then you should also reduce the Maximum Bitrate value but keep in mind that it should be slightly higher than the target bitrate value because some portions of your video may require higher bitrate for a uniform playback quality.

To avoid loss in case of crashes, make habit of saving project after intervals of every few minutes, no matter which software you are using. If your computer has low specs, close extra programs such as browser while video editing and clear the temporary files from the computer.

You should also changing the Performance setting from Hardware Encoding to the Software Encoding.

More Resources

Following resources might be helpful for you.

Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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