Brand Name - Why to Avoid Sound Repetition?

Although coining two words for making single brand name is a common practice however, while coining brand names, you should not forget the basic principle that a brand name should be short, unique, and easy to speak.

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For example, a background screening company of USA, Powerchex renamed as HireRight by coining the ‘Hire’ and ‘Right’ words.

Brand Name Avoid Sound Repetition

In my humble opinion, the HireRight brand name is not right because it is not easy to pronounce due to repetition of ‘R’ sound at the end of ‘Hire’ and at the start of ‘Right’ when pronouncing it. In my humble opinion, they could have used a better option of HireBright.

In another example, SutroVax, Inc. changed name in 2020 to Vaxcyte, Inc.

In my humble opinion, Vaxcyte is the bad selection as brand name because ‘x’ and ‘c’ letters repeat the sound during pronunciation.

On the other hand, the ‘T’ letter was repetitive in the name of BitTorrent inc. and the owners were wise enough to change brand name to Rainberry which is unique as well as smooth and effortless to pronounce.

The owners of Acxiom were also wise to change its name to LiveRamp. The ‘cx’ letters in the name were difficult to pronounce.

therefore, please avoid repetition of sounds in letters while coining brand name.

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Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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