Horn Honks when installing Steering Wheel Lock

Here is how to fix horn honking when steering wheel lock placed over the steering wheel. This problem does not occur in most cars, thanks to enough gap between the lock and the horn button.

Reason of the problem

The reason for continuous horn honking is the bulged horn button. When you press the car lock to install it over steering wheel, the horn starts honking.


Here are some possible solutions for this problem.

The workaround is that, instead of placing the lock at the center of steering wheel, attach it at the lower part of the steering wheel. It will increase the gap distance between lock and steering wheel. Now the lock will not press the horn and honking problem will be solved.

However, if the horn still produces sound, then attach the lock from behind of the steering wheel. Due to this upside-down position of the lock, it will not touch the horn. It might be a bit difficult to dial the numbers of password lock, but the problem will be solved. No chance of horn sounding.

Watch Video Tutorial.

The last suggestion is that cut a piece from packaging of the lock and apply it as cushion under both ends of hooks, then wrap it with a tape.

I hope these tricks have solved the problem, and the horn is not honking when you install steering wheel lock.

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Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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